Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Establishing a Code of Ethics Planning Implementation and...
Abstract This paper is designed and written for the purpose of establishing a code of ethics, its planning, and implementation and evaluation strategies within a company. After brainstorming about the ethical values for the company it will be easier for the company to support non-profit organization as much as possible. A-Develop an appropriate standards and procedures section, such as a code of ethics. This Code of ethics is supported by the following essential assumptions: For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the companies, ethics are very important among shareholders, owners, directors and management in the 21st century. Ethics play a vital role in guaranteeing and balancing the privileges and benefit of all stakeholders engaged in this process: Employees, customers, shareholders, supplier and business partners and the Culture at a huge level. Ethics assume exact agreement in and by the company with valid legislation, as well as with the Articles of Incorporation and policies for inside operations, where they survive, in the business. - Code of ethics inside the company requires that shareholders and owners play their role as guarantors of agreement in respect of duties for directors and management. - Even though this Code of ethics have been formed with the intention of being Suitable in general to all corporations, it should also be understandable in a common and basic structure subject to adaptation to the exact Conditions of everyShow MoreRelatedEthics vs. Profit857 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Case A large American company has chosen the decentralized form of organization and each manager is measured on the basis profit contribution, market penetration, and return on investment. If one fails to meet the objectives established, it is usually results in demotion or dismissal of center management. By means of anonymous survey, managers revealed that they felt pressured to compromise their personal ethical standards to achieve the objectives of the company. II. Point of View As aRead MoreEthics Reflection Paper Str 581 Week 11312 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: WEEK 1; ETHICS REFLECTIONS PAPER Assignment: Week 1; Ethics Reflections Paper By Judith Judson STR 591 – Phoenix Campus University of Phoenix Facilitator: Dr. Mark Kolesinsky Week 1, July 18, 2012 Ethics Reflection Paper In the last decade, ethics in corporate America has become highly publicized following the discovery of unethical and fraudulent business practices in major corporations. 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The third and fourth stages both entail testing and evaluating the client’s effectiveness of internal control. First, the effectiveness of theRead MoreThe Role of Line Managers and (HR) Human Resources3448 Words  | 14 Pagesdevelopment). There is a possible evolving HR organisation example, which will be indicated the following article. Business policy and code of ethics are very important to the organisations that can help the firms to be more competitive. Human resources department is responsible for formulation of policy, approved by senior management, and the daily implementation of this policy and the monitoring of its effectiveness, and employment and career deve lopment of all individual employees in the organisationRead MoreEssay about Bus 496 Exam Guide11506 Words  | 47 Pages/////Ch 6 53) Strategy analysis and choice largely involves making ________ decisions based on ________ information. 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Reference toRead MoreOrganizational Control Essay1879 Words  | 8 Pagesmake sure that actual performance meets or surpasses objectives. It is well used for decision making and problem solving. Effective control depends on other management functions and it gives feedback to them. These functions are planning, organizing and leading. Planning sets directions and allocates resources. Organizing puts people and material resources together in working combinations. Leading motivates people to use these resources in the best way. Basically, the function of controlling is toRead MoreFinancial and Banking Institutions6081 Words  | 24 Pagesï » ¿Financial and Banking Institutions Abstract Ethics are regarded as principles guiding organizational internal conduct as well as the organizations relationship with clients, partners as well as shareholders. On the same note, core values are often summarized in the mission statement or in the companys statement of core values. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
The Economic Development Foundation ( Saedf ) Essay
Economics According to the commerce data available from the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation (SAEDF), the city is the second largest in Texas and seventh largest in the United States; it has a cost of living around 12% lower than the US average - 92.4 on the cost of living index (2015). As cited in the SAEDF report, the Milken Institute rated San Antonio one of the top ten best performing cities; in the same factsheet, CNN Money proclaimed it to be in the top five fastest growing cities. Demographics: As cited in the SAEDF factsheet, Nielsen SiteReports of 2014 stated that 1,416,000 people call San Antonio home; twenty percent identify as white, ~55% Hispanic/Latino, ~7% Black, ~1% American Indian, ~2% Asian, 1% Pacific Islander, ~3.5% more than two races, and ~12% other (2015). The same document notes that English, by a narrow majority, is the primary language – followed by bilingual English/Spanish. Employment: With an unemployment rate of about 3.5 percent, the re are 1,018,841 employed persons in San Antonio - the majority work in retail, healthcare and social assistance, hospitality, food service, and government (USDOL 2016; SAEDF 2015). Taxes: In addition to the Texas sales state tax (6.250%), San Antonians pay a city tax of 1.250%, a transit tax of 0.500%, and an advanced transportation district tax of 0.250%, totaling 8.250% in taxes (â€Å"Rate Information†n.d.; SAEDF 2015). There is no individual or corporate state income tax.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Why are Geographers interested in Marston Vale Free Essays
Marston Vale lies upon the Oxford clay, between Bedford and Milton Keynes in UK. The soils in this area are very fertile. Because the majority of English houses are built in bricks, and the location of Marston Vale is also near London, many brickwork industries were set in this area over last hundred years. We will write a custom essay sample on Why are Geographers interested in Marston Vale? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most of the clay extracted here is sent to London to build houses. Today, the extraction of clay and the brick making is still busy, and the Stewartby brickwork industry is one of the biggest industries formed in Marston Vale. Millions of tonnes of clay are extracted from the clay pit everyday, then the clays are transported by conveyor belt to the brickwork, where the clays are drained, moulded and then fired in kilns to make the red bricks that are used to build houses. After all the clay that is valuable to mine has been extracted, huge holes are left on the ground. The topsoil has been removed from the ground during clay extraction, and so no plants will be able to grow in such areas. The area turn to worse if there is rain, the whole area will turn muddy and dirty. A chain of pits stretches along the A421 from Bedford to the M1 near Milton Keynes. This was one of the worst areas of rural derelict land and damaged Ecosystem. The noise, pollution, traffic and bad view that has been produced by the extraction pit and brick making factory affect local residents badly. What can be done to improve the situation? In 1989, 12 National Community Forest project were launched. These Forest will cover 470,000 hectares , which take over 3.6% of all land area in England and Wales, nearly equal to half the total land area used by the National Parks. The Community Forests is a national programme of improving the environment, which affects half of the people in England. Improving the countryside around towns and cities by planting woodland is the main aim of the Community Forests, especially in the areas of the derelict land. This will improve the environment and benefits the local people. In theory, the land must be made to contribute the local communities, e.g.: Creating jobs, Creating farmlands, Creating an attractive environment, Creating a variety of different landscapes, Creating sports facilities, Creating settlements. The Marston Vale Community Forests. Marston Community forests is one of12 National community forests projects which introduced in 1989. The Marston vale community forests cover a total area which more than 150kmà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. About 25,000 people are living inside the forest area, about 145,000 people are living on the edge of the area, most of them are in Bedford and Kempston, about 500,000 people are living within 20 minutes’ drive. (These figures are from GeoActive) In order to succeed in this project, local people should put efforts in planning, planting and looking after the woods that are planted. The past experience has shown us that most environmental management, which involved local people, are more likely to succeed. Local people are encouraged by the Forest team to grow their own seeds in Marston Vale Community Forest project. The results of that are small woodland have begun to grow in their villages. Forest team also need to encourage landowners to allow their land to be planted with trees and organise seed collection and planting days. (This information is from GeoActive.) From this act, we know that the Marston Vale Community Forest project does not just involve the restoration of the clay extraction pits, but also allows local people to get in. It encourages people to plant trees, to protect the woodland created, to take a part in the development of the forest. The most important thing is people will love what they have planted, in order to love the whole nature. The restoration of the clay extraction pits in Maston Vale community Forest. There are three possible ways to restore the clay extraction pit: 1) The main restoration for the clay extraction pits is by changing them to an artificial forest. The way of doing so is to spread 3-4 metres of topsoil over the top. Then trees may be able to be planted in. The local people are involved in the development of the Marston Vale community forest. The plan is for local people to plant 100 ha of woodland each year and 5 Km of hedgerow each year. Farmers can apply for grants from the Forestry Commission for planting woodland. 2) The huge hole left on the ground can also be turned into an artificial lake by pouring water into the pit, or just leave them until the rain season comes. Separate clay extraction holes may be joined together by digging out the soil between them. The Stewarby Lake is an example of this restoration. 3) There’s also another restoration, which is making it into a landfill site. I personally think this is a fantastic restoration, because this is also a waste solution. Million tonnes of waste can be buried in the clay extraction every day. This solved the crisis of waste in London. After the waste is filled in, plants can also be planted on top. After a long time, a chemical reaction will be happen when the waste decays and the methane gas is produced in this process. We went to an L-field landfill site, which is run by Shanks company; more information on landfill site will be in the back. *Questions On my coursework. 1) How brickwork, clay extraction and landfill sites effects local people ‘s life 2) What’s local people’s knowledge on Marston Vale Community Forest Project? 3) How successful is the Marston Vale community forest project? Both in attempting to solve the problems of pits left on ground after the clay extraction, and to create the better environment for local people. These are three questions that I set through my coursework. The answers for these questions will be in the end of my coursework in details. For first data collecting, the school organised a day fieldtrip to the Marston Vale area. On the day of the fieldtrip, we visited the following places: *Community forest centre, the artificial forest that has been restored from pits. *Stewartby lake, an artificial lake in the forest, also a different landscape created from clay extraction pit. *The Quest pit, one of the present clay extractions pits run by Hanson Company. *Wootton village for the questionnaire, to ask a few questions on how the brickwork and the landfill site affects local residents. *Randalls Farm, to do some water tests on the Elstow Brook River located there. *Landfill, to see what is the landfill site is like. Issues in the Maston Vale to look at. A Geographer will particularly look at the environmental issues in this area, such as how clay extraction damages the area’s Ecosystem, how this affects local people, and what can be done to solve the problems, and finally are these attempts successful or not, and what can be improved? To answer all these doubts, I will first introduce the area to the readers, give them the exact location of the Marston Vale area and what transportation is available to get there. To let readers understand more about my coursework, especially on the day we went to the Marston Vale. I’ll explain clearly what we’ve done on the fieldtrip; where we did them; why we did them; and what are the data can tell us. How to cite Why are Geographers interested in Marston Vale?, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The influences of telenovela programs of the two major television network in the philippines free essay sample
Kapuso or Kapamilya? Which of the two do you prefer? These terms are well-known in the Philippines because this symbolizes the major T. V networks in the Philippines television and this really influences most of the people. Most of the Filipino people always talk about the shows of these two networks, sometimes they even debated about what network has the highest ratings. If someone says Kapuso, they are talking about the GMA network and surely they are watching most of the shows of this network like Prinsesa ng Buhay ko, Adarna, and Villa Quintana. And if someone says Kapamilya, they are talking about ABS-CBN network and they are probably watching the shows Be careful with My Heart, Annaliza and Honesto. GMA network Incorporated, a Philippines multi-media conglomerate, is a television network in the Philippines. GMA provides news and entertainment programs through its forty seven fully owned television relay stations, four affiliate television stations and thirty four radio stations throughout the Philippines. The network also offers its shows worldwide through GMA PinoyTV, GMA LifeTV and Internet TV myGMA. com. ph. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation (Alto Broadcasting System-Chronicle Broadcasting Network) is a Philippines-based multi-media conglomerate. It is an integrated media and entertainment company in the Philippines with 42 subsidiaries. ABS-CBN is principally involved in television and radio broadcasting, as well as the programming for domestic and international audiences and other related business. Ever since the 1ate 1940s when television first became available, social scientists have been interested in its effect on behavior. Originally seen as entertainment for adults and older children, television in the twenty-first century is watched by all age groups, including infants. More than 80 percent of homes in the Philippines have at least one television set. Many have more. Factors that increase the likelihood of heavy television viewing by student include low socioeconomic status, living in a single parent household, and being born to a teenage mother. Viewing time is also increased by parental beliefs that television viewing does not hurt student and improves their vocabulary and imagination. Heavy parental television viewing, multiple television sets at home, television in the childs bedroom, and using television to distract student all increase the likelihood that student will become heavy television and video watchers. It is generally believed that television has become a very powerful medium and its contact, no doubt, can change the likes and dislikes, learning and social habits. In recent years increased attention has been focused by many professionals with regard to its impact on human lives at any stage of development. Television is considered to be potentially strong agent for children, adolescents and other family members, especially with its combined effects of audio and visual. The impact is more on adolescents because they are more impressionable than adults. The study focuses in â€Å"The Influences of Telenovela Programs of the Two Major T. V network in the Philippines television (ABS-CBN and GMA Network) among 4th year students of Betis High School (BHS). Conceptual Framework The researchers must conduct interviews among the fourth year students of Betis High School and do a long process to meet the output of the study which is the influence of the telenovela programs of the two major TV network in the Philippine television (ABS-CB and GMA Network) among the fourth year students of Betis High School. INPUTPROCESSOUTPUT Statement of the Problem The study will present the influences of Telenovela programs of the two major Television networks in the Philippine television (ABS-CBN and GMA network) among the 4th year students of Betis High School. Specifically wants to answer the following questions: 1. What is the gender/demographic profile of the viewers? 2. How large is the number of viewers of telenovela programs from Kapuso network? From Kapamilya network? 3. What shows are most watched? 4. What are the positive values the viewers get? Negative values? Assumptions 1. Most Female students watch telenovela programs from ABS-CBN. 2. More students from Betis High School watch ABS-CBN Telenovela programs. 3. Most of the viewers get positive values when watching Telenovela programs. Null Hypothesis 1. There is no significant relationship between gender and watching telenovela programs. 2. There is no significant relationship between age and the TV network. 3. There is no Significant relationship between Telenovela programs and values. Significance of the Studies Students/Viewers Through the study, the students will know how the influences of the shows of these TV networks affect the daily living of every individual whether it is a good influence or bad that a student may use his/her own lifestyle. They can also gain knowledge and values being promoted by these networks. Parents The research will provide knowledge to the parent’s on the different values a person may get from the shows being televise in these two networks that they may teach or even prohibit to their children. They will also be aware of what shows that their children should not watch. Through this, they can guide their children in watching the right shows and that are appropriate to watch. Teachers This study will also provide more knowledge to the teachers from watching the shows of these networks that they may use in teaching the students the right values. They can also relate their lessons on the shows to provide good examples and for the students to understand the lesson well. Readers The readers of the study will know the importance of the values that a person may get from watching the shows of the two network of how these can influence and affect the lives of the viewers. Scope and Delimitation The study explores the influences of the television shows to the viewers. It will specifically tackle the influences of the telenovela programs from the two major T. V network (GMA and ABS-CBN network) among the fourth year students only of Betis High School. Definition of Terms 1. ABS-CBN A major commercial television network in the Philippines. It is the oldest and the leading television network in the country 2. Adolescents Students with ages 13 to 19 years old. 3. Arrogance An attitude of being too proud of oneself. 4. Conglomerate A system of having made up of parts from different sources or kinds. 5. Deceitful An attitude of being dishonest and making people believe what is not true. 6. Enviousness An attitude of wanting or desiring what others have. 7. GMA A major commercial television radio network in the Philippines. GMA Network is commonly signified to as the Kapuso Network in reference to the outline of the company’s logo. It is headquartered in the GMA Network Center in Quezon City and its transmitter is located at Tandang Sora Avenue, Barangay Culiat also in Quezon City. The original meaning of the GMA acronym was Greater Manila Area, referring to the initial coverage area of the station. As the network expanded it changed into Global Media Arts. 8. Hardworking An attitude of working without any complaints and just doing your best. 9. Humbleness An attitude of being down to earth and not bragging of what you have. 10. Kindness An attitude of doing good things to others. 11. Loyalty An attitude of sticking to people you love. 12. Quarrelsome An attitude of always starting a fight. 13. Respectful An attitude of respecting people. 14. Socioeconomic A condition where status is being defined 15. Telenovela A drama series aired on television every week days. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature Related Literature The origin of GMA can be traced to DZBB of Loreto F. de Hemedes, Inc. owned by Robert â€Å"Uncle Bob†Stewart, an American war correspondent (The company’s name was christened after Stewart’s Wife). The station first went on-air on June 14, 1950 at the fourth floor of the Calvo Building in Escolta, Manila. It went on to cover events such as President Ramon Magsaysay’s sudden death, the eruption of Mt. Hibok-Hibok on March 17, 1957 and the various elections in the country. DZBB became the first radio station in the country to use the telephone patch for live interviews. The station also broadcast the forerunner of today’s political satire programs with Kwentong Kutsero and glued audiences to the amateur radio contest, Tawag ng Tanghalan. A decade after the radio station’s launch, the Stewarts ventured into television. Using two cameras and a surplus transmitter, channel 7, the Philippines third television station, started airing on October 29, 1961. While the station’s programming like Uncle Bob’s Lucky Seven Club, Dance Time with Chito, Lovingly Yours, Helen and various news programs. During the establishment of the television station, it was always in the red and was always at a distance from the larger and better funded networks. But it did not stop the company to start broadcasting system in 1970. On September 21, 1972, then President Ferdinand Marcos placed the entire Philippines under Martial Law. Military troops entered radio and television stations and placed them under military control to prevent â€Å"Communist†propaganda. All media outlets that were critical of the Marcos regime were shut down. Foreign citizens and corporations were disallowed from owning media outlets in the country. Stewart and the American Broadcasting Corporation, who owned a quarter of the company, was forced to cede majority control to a triumvirate composed of Gilberto Duavit, a Malacanang official, Menardo Jimenez, ad Felipe Gozon in 1974. Through the acquisitions, the station now was able to broadcast in color with a seven million peso credit line. The station also changed its name to GMA Radio-Television Arts (GMA stood for Greater Manila Area, the station’s initial coverage area), although RBS remained its corporate name until 1996. Jimenez sits as president of the company while Gozon served as its chairman. International reach became GMA’s target in the 1990’s which began when the Rainbow satellite launched on April 30, 1992. Through its relay stations, GMA programs were seen across the archipelago and Southeast Asia. GMA programming started airing 60 American cities and parts of South America through the international channel network. GMA was also the official broadcaster of the 1995 World Youth Day, which was the last visit of Pope John Paul II to the country. In 1996, GMA formally changed its corporate name to GMA Network incorporated now standing for global media arts. GMA Films was also launched in the same year. Its film Jose Rizal, which was at the time the most expensive movie production ever in the country (costing over 80 million Pesos to produce) but becoming a huge success with many accolades and award nominations. On October 27, 2002, during an episode of the network’s Sunday afternoon entertainment show Party Pilipinas, GMA officially revealed a new logo and image campaign. The new logo features a rainbow colored heart, the Kapuso represented by a new slogan â€Å"Kapuso Ng Pamilyang Pilipino, Anumang Kulay ng Buhay†(â€Å"One in Heart With the Filipino Family, In Whatever Colors of Life†) The nucleus of what ABS-CBN would be began in 1946 with Bolinao Electronics Corporation (BEC). BEC was put up by James Linderberg, the father of Philippine television, an ex- GI and electronics engineer who went into radio equipment assembly and radio broadcasting with DZRH as the top station. In 1949 James Linderberg shifted Bolinao to radio broadcasting with DZBC and masterminded the introduction of television to the country in 1953. In the 1951, Linderberg partnered with Antonio Quirino, brother of then President Elpidio Quirino in order to try their hand at television broadcasting. In 1952, BEC was renamed as Alto Broadcasting System or ABS. †Alto†was a contraction of Quirino’s and his wife’s first names, Tony and Aleli. Though they had little money and resources, ABS was able to put up its TV tower by July 1953 and import 300 television sets. The initial test broadcasts began on September of the same year. The very first full-blown broadcast, however, was on October 23, 1953, of a party in Tony Quirino’s home. The broadcasting channel was known as BZAQ-TV channel 3. In turn, on September 24, 1956, the Chronicle Broadcasting Network (CBN) was organized. The network was owned by Don Eugenio Lopez Sr. The following year, Don Eugenio acquired ABS from Quirino and Linderberg. However, it was only on February 1, 1967 that the corporate name was changed to ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation. Now, ABS-CBN has extended its footholds in the country. Likewise, they provide content for Studio 23 on UHF and for the ABS-CBN news channel (ANC), Hero, Myx, Knowledge Channel, Lifestyle Network, Cinema One, Balls, Velvet, and Maxxxon cable. ABS-CBN has established regional stations and news bureaus to handle operations in different areas throughout the Philippines. It also broadcasts to locations all over the world via the Filipino channel, managed by ABS-CBN global LTD. Plans to undertake an initial public offering (IPO) the following year and might list on the Singapore stock exchange to help finance its expansion plans. In 2008, ABS-CBN celebrated their 55th year in television. For the first time in Philippine TV History, ABS-CBN started the year by launching three primetime shows last January 28, 2008. And they also launched Walang Iwanan sa BayaniJuan in June 12, 2008 in coincidence with the celebration of 110th Philippines Independence. Related Studies According to the study of Tannis Mcbeth Williams from, The Impact of Television, did extensive surveys around the her town, which she code-named Notel. They also did control studies at a town with a single TV channel (Unitel), and one with four broadcast channels and cable (Multitel). They studied the towns twice: once before TV came to Notel (Phase 1), and again after it had had TV for two years (Phase 2). The towns were all similar in size (around 700 within town limits, and several thousand in the surrounding district), economic base (logging, mining, and farming), income (around C$7000 per family), and class structure (~10% professional/business, ~60% skilled labor/farmers, ~20-30% unskilled labor). All had small libraries, weekly newspapers, telephones, and regular road and rail service. Using towns with and without TV allowed Williams to filter out changes over the two years that might be common to all rural towns in BC. Using towns with only one channel versus many decreased the effect that the programming itself had. Notel and Unitel got only the CBC, whereas Multitel got the CBC and the US networks. The CBC does run commercials, but it had a 60% Canadian content requirement and did not run ads on shows for kids under 12. (Interestingly enough, many Canadian cities get the US public network, PBS, and in fact Canadians contribute a good part of its funding. ) The studies were done on various grades in the public schools, and on the towns as a whole. They were both longitudinal and cross-sectional, that is, if students in grade 2 were studied in Phase 1, the same students (if they could be found) were studied in grade 4 two years later, and new students in grade 2 were also studied. Background data on the students was also gathered, such as their IQ scores (which, incidentally, are illegal to give out in California) and the socio-economic status of their families. According to Sharon H. Bolling, with her study the Negative Effects of Television on the Academics Performance of a Child, stated that many television shows for young viewers are educationally based. In an article for The Future of Children, Heather L. Kirkorian, et al, say it still is important to limit the amount of time spent watching even these types of shows to minimize potentially negative side effects. Such viewing does not need to be completely eliminated, though. In the past, many theorists stated that viewing too much television affected a childs ability to pay attention and focus. However, Kirkorian points out that there is only weak evidence supporting such claims, and researchers find it difficult to control other environmental influences that could cause higher levels of inattention. Academic Outcomes With the availability of portable media outlets only growing, it is easy for children to view several hours of television a day whether at home, in the car or elsewhere. In a 2005 study published in The Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Robert J. Hancox, M. D. , et al, found that excessive television watching is associated with poorer academic performance and educational progress. His results indicate that too much television in childhood is a strong predictor that a child will not attain a university degree as an adult. David C. Diehl and Stephanie C. Toelle, in their 2008 article for the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida, reported that television viewing during infancy is associated with language delays, and children in homes where the television is almost always on are at risk for reading difficulties. However, when preschoolers and school-age children watch regulated amounts of educational shows, it can have a positive impact on language development and school readiness skills, like phonics. Putting boundaries in place is an important part of parental discipline in all areas of a childs life, including watching television. Diehl and Toelle suggest that parents carefully choose educational programming, keep televisions and computers out of a childs room, set rules limiting use of media, and create alternative family activities. By developing daily routines and establishing rules regarding television viewing during infancy and childhood, parents promote healthy learning habits early. Structured routines can decrease the risk of learning and academic performance issues as a result from television viewing and media use. Summary The researchers, though the study, realized that TV viewing may replace activities that we know may help with school performance, such as reading, doing homework, pursuing hobbies, and getting enough sleep. The study shows that TVs effects on education were long term. Watching more TV in school days increased chances of dropping out of school and decreased chances of getting a college degree. Watching TV at age 13 was one factor found to be associated with bullying in grade school. Lastly, the researchers wanted to say that dont abuse any television and media electronic programming as they can bring goodness or badness. Conclusion Data have been gathered and analyzed, the researcher have concluded that the influence of the two major TV network to the lives of the students of Betis High School is far most to be considered very influential. Recommendation Students/Viewers Students must choose the right shows to watch on televisions. Parents Parents must be aware and be guided on the shows that their children have been watching on televisions. Teachers Teachers must recommend the right shows to the students. They must add some homework regarding watching television. Readers The future researchers who wish to make an offshoot of it on any related topics can use this study about TV networks.
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