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Monday, August 24, 2020
Your Own Preliminary Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Your Own Preliminary Research - Essay Example It is additionally apparent with regards to the national governments. It is apparent that in certain nations there are explicit laws with respect to this field of instruction. As indicated by the essayists, practically all colleges in Europe have supported the e-learning procedures and in reality more, they have embraced them and included them as a piece of their school educational program. A few courses, for example, the general courses in relational abilities and HIV AIDS aptitudes are solely being offered through the e-learning programs.â The appropriation of e-learning innovation has persuaded the learning foundations and universities to take their coaches through thorough and obligatory preparing on the best way to work with this innovation and to be viable at doing as such. The digital book article additionally calls attention to that e-learning forms are upgraded by accessibility of free materials for documentation consequently the colleges have thought that it was pretty mu ch a superior wellspring of examining materials since they just need to give association with the web to understudies to get to the advanced grounds (Brigitte). This source intrigues me since it is exceptionally clear; it is easy to comprehend the fundamental contentions and thinking. The source is likewise stacked with a ton of significant data concerning the exploration theme referenced previously. From the online open Library, as per ‘The e-learning e-volution in schools and university’ by the Advisory Committee for Online Learning. There have been huge changes in the way in which colleges have been offering their courses in Canada. The digital book alluded above was concentrating on Europe and the selection of e-learning in their organizations concentrating on France, Italy and other European nations. Here, the bits of knowledge on this subject from the Open library are situated in Canada. As per the corporate writer of this article, most colleges and universities in Canada have at any rate five courses which are completely offered on the online stage,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Rival Ad
Key Points Achieving Strategic, Sustainable Competitive Advantage In The Global Marketplace The two companied had gone to an acknowledgment that their individual endeavors were not exceptionally productive since they couldn't have the option to completely meet the desires because of their low limit and the opposition looked from different organizations. In any case, through their blending, they made an organization that had the ability to fulfill the market needs, make new and propelled promotion innovation and have the option to build their business internationally thus achieving a planned and economical c upper hand without wanting to compose a custom paper test on Rival Ad-Tech Firms to Become One explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thinking Globally, Act Locally †Globalization The Global Markets The recently shaped organization, MediaOcean, would be an organization equipped towards beating worldwide rivalry against other extraordinary advertisement organiz ations particularly Google and other little yet solid organizations. Thus, the proprietors of the two organizations had pondered how to improve their business in the worldwide market however began by making a few strides in the neighborhood arrangement through combining their organizations into a huge one that could conquer the difficulties and weight of the worldwide market. Thus, they acted locally however were targeting entering the worldwide market. Inventiveness, Innovation Dynamic Change The recently shaped organization might accomplish a more elevated level of business through formation of further developed promotion advances and expanded scales henceforth meeting the desires for the market thus expanding their intensity through expanded imagination and advancement. The two companied had subsequently made a stride of satisfying a unique change through their consolidation to flourish well in the worldwide market. Examination The two organizations, Donovan Data Systems Inc. (DD C) and MediaBank LCC had their own disparities in the activity of the promotion business and were essentially extraordinary contenders for a long time. What they had not understood throughout the years was that while they were caught up with attempting to defeat to one another, they were permitting space for foundation and improvement of significantly more prominent and progressively serious organizations with a more noteworthy limit like Google. While DDC didn't have the ability to create cutting edge innovation promotions and henceforth clutched conventional methods of notices, MediaBank needed scale in its deals and consequently didn't succeed well in the business.Advertising Looking for paper on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The consolidating of the two organizations was an inception of another time of business since the new organization was exceptionally extraordinary and brimming with lim it. It might make cutting edge innovation items and offer them to the clients at the worldwide stage and in an enormous limit. It might likewise contend all the more energetically with the monsters of the promotion efficient the Google and the other littler organizations. Through its expanded scales and an expanded client base due to the consolidation, the new organization might thus easily work as a worldwide organization and to pull in numerous clients from everywhere throughout the world. Even better, the organization might at last beginning using on the web methods for buying advertisement space through utilization of cutting edge innovation in its activities. Ends Through the converging of the two opponent promotion organizations to frame the goliath MediaOcean organization, an extraordinary limit was ingrained into the new organization in such a way, that it might increase an all inclusive acknowledgment and henceforth could undoubtedly work in the worldwide market. The organi zation could now appreciate increasingly capital base and consequently have the option to defeat any outer weight, rivalry just as having the option to propel innovation as it sprung up. The new organization henceforth contained a more significant level of upper hand against its rivals and was subsequently ready to secure more deals and returns because of its worldwide base just as its consolidated client base. This is a system that couldn't just guarantee the company’s endurance in the market yet in addition its supportability in the promotion business. This article on Rival Ad-Tech Firms to Become One was composed and put together by client Ann G. to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; nonetheless, you should refer to it appropriately. You can give your paper here.
Friday, July 24, 2020
What MBA Admissions Consulting Isnt
What MBA Admissions Consulting Isnt Do Business School Admissions Need an Overhaul? There have been a few articles published lately about MBA Admissions Consulting. One such article published in Bloomberg Businessweek, Business School Admissions Needs an Overhaul, proposed that the entire admissions process for graduate business school be changed. The author, Alex Fleming, goes so far to propose that essay length and number should be reduced to discourage applicants from hiring admissions consultants. No one, he suggests, would pay someone $1,000 to write 100 words. The author and I both have MBA degrees from Wharton, but we part company after that. What Business School Admissions Consulting ISNT As an MBA Admissions Consultant for 14 years, I believe that what needs the overhaul isnt business school admissions but rather the incorrect understanding that many have about what admissions consulting actually is. For a start, any ethical admissions consultant will make it clear that he or she will never write an essay for an applicant. Some of our clients will ask us to do so despite what our written agreements and policies may say, but we make it clear that thats not part of our service. And for the record, as of the current admissions season, most top business school applications require multiple essays, with limits of several hundred to about a thousand words each. An admissions consultant can help to ensure the topic and organization of those essays hits the mark with admissions committees. Admissions Consultants also wont ghost write recommendations for our clients, although a few may request that service. In fact, many of us, myself included, refuse to even review a draft recommendation. I take it even further than most, suggesting that my clients push back if the recommender wont write a recommendation without getting a draft from the applicant. If the recommender insists on receiving more than a bulleted list of suggested points, I tell my clients to find another recommender. Is there an alumni interviewer popularity contest? I disagree with another point in the article. Having been an alumni interviewer for Wharton MBA applicants, I dont understand what he means by the “alumni interviewer popularity contest.†Assuming that the school trains its volunteer alumni interviewers well, as most do, an interview with an experienced alumnus can give the interviewer and interviewee insights into the fit between the applicant and the school that an on campus interview may not, especially in terms of the long-term career view. I have no understanding of the popularity contest that the author mentions. You are no doubt wondering what MBA Admissions Consulting is if this is what it isnt? That will be the topic of my next blog entry. Need guidance in your MBA/EMBA Application process? Maximize your applications with help from The Essay Experts MBA Admissions Consulting Services. Or feel free to email me directly at Larry Sochrin
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Negative Influence Of The Teenage Mind - 1190 Words
The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.†(Albert Einstein). The result of people who aren’t independent is more negative than positive. The articles including â€Å"Herd Behavior†, â€Å"The Stanford Prison Experiment†, Teenage Brains are Malleable and Vulnerable Researchers Say, and â€Å"Why Do People Follow the Crowd†all show evidence towards How people are influenced. Following the crowd is one of the main results of influence people have on others. Influence naturally developed in the human brain is based on the natural inclination to follow the group as seen in teenagers. The most apparent example of the human mind being†¦show more content†¦The author says that it is more apparent in times of danger or panic. â€Å"People in a crisis that requires escape will attempt to move faster than normal, copy the actions of others, interact physically with each other, and ignore alternative strategies in favor of following the mass escape trend.†The results of this panic induced herd behavior can be very negative. â€Å"Psychologists posit that a group mind can overtake a mob and embolden people to act in ways they would not individually, increasing the likelihood that situations become violent.†Herd Behavior has been going on for so long, that most people don’t even realize it is happening. The violence is a good reasoning behind the influence seen with peer pressure. People are pressured, or influenced, by others to do good or bad things. This is seen in teens most of all. Teenagers are more active when it comes to trends. Wan ting to be caught up with the norm is an example of Herd Behavior. Everyone starts wearing a certain kind of accessory and that sets up for anyone else to follow the crowd. The instinct to follow the crowd is understood when looking at the high rates of negative peer pressure in the teenage years. Teenagers are more likely to conform. Furthermore, People succumb to the roles of society that have been laid out over time instead of going against it or being independent. In the article The Stanford Prison Experiment, An elaborate experiment was setup to studyShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Influences of Media on Establishing Teenage Identities 1717 Words  | 7 PagesCULTURE IN A YOUNG TEENAGE GIRLS LIFE Introduction As teenage girls seek to establish a sense of self, teens may experiment with different roles, activities and behaviors. This is an important process of forming a strong identity and developing a sense of direction through life. Mass media plays an important role in shaping the youth culture. As we all know that in the current modern society, internet, television and magazines has become the inseparable elements of a teenage girl’s life. InternetRead MoreDo You Think Parents Should Be Punished for the Crimes Their Teenage Children Commit?744 Words  | 3 PagesDo you think parents should be punished for the crimes their teenage children commit? Teenage crimes are on the rise and in trying to prevent this condition from aggravating, people start to consider an alternative solution - to punish the parents instead. The question is, are parents really the core of the problem or are there other bigger issues we have to consider? Punishing parents by law is certainly not the ideal way to handle these rising crime rates. Though it cannot be denied that parentsRead MoreNowadays, advertisement is placed in everywhere, no matter you are watching television, listening600 Words  | 3 Pagesnoticed that Advertisement certainly has given effect on us especially for teenager. Teenage are more susceptible to the effect of advertising than others. Many of the advertisements give card staking information to the teenagers. Teenagers are given negative impact through advertisement by stereotype, impressionable, and unrealistic. Stereotype in advertising is the most common idea we could find in the media. Many teenage have been contaminated by advertising. The advertising provide by slimming andRead MoreArgumentation Essay784 Words  | 4 Pagesdepend on, and where they belong in this world. Without guidance from some sort of positive authority, teens can be led down the wrong path. Teens need structure and goals to keep their minds on the right track. Sports can be a great activity to help teens stay on the correct path. It teaches discipline and keeps their minds focused, it is a chance to meet new friends with the same interest, and they will have positive motivators and supporters to help them (Logan n.pag.). Teenagers can get bored veryRead MoreThe Roles of Jennifer Lawrence and Mile Cyrus as Role Models Essay699 Words  | 3 Pagesmajor starlets in the eye of countless teenage girls around the world would be Jennifer Lawrence, known for her starring role as Katniss Everdeen in the film The Hunger Games, and Miley Cyrus, a hit singer with number one songs, â€Å"We Can’t Stop†and â€Å"Wrecking Ball†. These two stars both have large and supportive fan bases, but which celebrity is the better role model for teenage girls is the question at hand. Jennifer Lawrence is a better role model for teenage girls than Miley Cyrus because of herRead More The American Male in John Updikes AP Essay918 Words  | 4 PagesThe American Male John Updike’s â€Å"AP†, is a short story that relates an episode in the life of a teenage (male) grocery store employee, circa 1961. Many critics suggest that this story is told through the eyes of the main character Sammy, and not through those of the author, John Updike. The label placed upon teenage males in modern society is often that of an à ¼ber sexist that views the female entity in only sexual lights. This assessment is supported in Updike’s story by means of diction andRead MoreThe Problem Of Teenage Girls1343 Words  | 6 Pagesfor teenage girls to live up to the standards presented to them. Seventy-four percent of teenage girls say there is a lot of pressure when it come to pleasing everyone (Girls Inc, The Supergirl Dilemma). That percentage is astronomically high. Females this young should not have to worry about things as superficial as looks at this age. Teenage years are supposed to be the best years of a person’s life and time s hould not be wasted on worrying about body image. The pressure imposed on teenage femalesRead MoreHow Media Affects Self Image1232 Words  | 5 PagesTeenage and college women are overly obsessing about their body images and constantly think that they need to be much skinnier, when they are not even fat. Many women today have the wrong idea of what the perfect body is, since there is no such thing as a perfect body. Every person is different and there can be no â€Å"perfect†. Being skinny is not the thing to strive for, but rather being healthy is. In this decade, women are constantly looking at models, T.V. shows and Instagram photos of girls thatRead MoreTeenage Suicide : A Devastating Event1509 Words  | 7 PagesTeenage Suicide When I was undergoing my journey through high school, there was a devastating event that affected the entire school from that point on; one of my fellow classmates had committed suicide. It was heart breaking to hear what had happened to someone at such a young age. A teenage boy drove to a spot in North Carolina where his dad had committed suicide just a few years ago. In that same exact place where his dad committed suicide, he decided to take his own life. According to WorldRead MoreBody Image Essay636 Words  | 3 Pagesbasis can have a huge impact on your life. One of the largest influence on teenage girls is the media.The media pushes body image, clothes, and fast food. At the same time they push weight lose with unrealistic results. The combination of all the above leads teenage girls down the road to eating disorders and a confusing self-image When you are not happy with who you are it is hard to be a good friend and a good student. If your mind is on what you dont like about yourself and your body, then
Thursday, May 7, 2020
A Critical Analysis of Revelation by Flannery OConnor...
A Critical Analysis of Revelation by Flannery OConnor Flannery OConnors background influenced her to write the short story Revelation. One important influence on the story is her Southern upbringing. During her lifetime, Southerners were very prejudiced towards people of other races and lifestyles. They believed that people who were less fortunate were inferior to them; therefore, people were labeled as different things and placed into different social classes. The South provided OConnor with the images she needed for her characters. Similarly, this can easily be identified in her short story Revelation. The characters in the story are identified by physical characteristics and some are even identified with racial terms.†¦show more content†¦Turpin all her life. Another element of plot which reinforces the theme of Revelation, is the element of surprise which actually brings the main conflict out in the open. OConnor brings the conflict out well because the incidents that built up to the actual conflict do not give away what is going to happen. The action around the conflict is completely surprising and unpredictable. We are aware the girl dislikes Mrs. Turpin beca use of her previous actions. The girl never does anything other than give dirty looks; therefore, we are not expecting any type of physical violence between them. When the girl hits Mrs. Turpin in the face with the book, Mrs. Turpin is conversing with another character and is not talking to the girl. In this situation, a violent act by the girl is completely unpredictable. Also, OConnor uses an unhappy ending for this story. Mrs. Turpin, who is happy being who she is, does not understand why the girl hated her. She does not think she is a bad person, and she cannot comprehend why she is not liked. OConnor ends the story with Mrs. Turpins questions unanswered which leaves her with a sadness that is unsolvable. Through the use of social conflict, the element of surprise, and an unhappy ending, a believable plot is created. To further develop the theme, OConnor uses consistent behavior, clear motivation, and plausibility to create convincing characterization. The protagonist, Mrs. Turpin, is convincing because she consistentlyShow MoreRelatedA Critical Analysis of Revelation by Flannery OConnor1591 Words  | 7 Pages- Well written-Good points A Critical Analysis of Revelation by Flannery OConnor Flannery OConnors background influenced her to write the short story Revelation. One important influence on the story is her Southern upbringing. During her lifetime, Southerners were very prejudiced towards people of other races and lifestyles. They believed that people who were less fortunate were inferior to them; therefore, people were labeled as different things and placed into different social classesRead More Flannery OConnor: A Twentieth Century Fiction Writer Essay829 Words  | 4 Pages There has been a significant amount critical analysis written about Flannery OConnors short stories and novels. There is a significant amount critical analysis about Flannery OConnor because she used so many styles that have not been used before. Flannery OConnor ranks among he most important American fiction writers of the twentieth century. Flannery OConnor was born in 1925 in Savannah, Georgia, and lived there until her family moved in 1938. OConnor and her family moved to a small GeorgiaRead MoreEssay about O’Connor’s Works: An In-Depth Analysis2157 Words  | 9 Pageswritings. Flannery OConnor is regarded one of the major brief tale authors in United States literary performs. Among the thing that makes her work stand out to date is the boldness in her writing in style which she made no effort to hide her affiliation to the Roman Catholic faith and spared no wrath when addressing burning social issues say ethics and morality. So O’Connor’s real life experiences and beliefs are clearly apparent in many of her works. The prevalent feature of OConnor critique isRead More Flannery OConnors Short Fiction Essay examples3159 Words  | 13 PagesFlannery OConnors Greenleaf, Everything that Rises Must Converge, and A Good Man is Hard to Find Introduction To the uninitiated, the writing of Flannery OConnor can seem at once cold and dispassionate, as well as almost absurdly stark and violent. Her short stories routinely end in horrendous, freak fatalities or, at the very least, a characters emotional devastation. Working his way through Greenleaf, Everything that Rises Must Converge, or A Good Man is Hard to Find, theRead MoreCritical Analysis on A Good Man Is Hard to Find2403 Words  | 10 Pagesbe analyzed from the critical theories of Aristotle and Longinus. Tolstoy will be used to examine the use Christian symbolism. Nietzsche will provide a more well-rounded universal conclusion to the uses of tragedy and spiritual elements in this classic story. Flannery OConnor gave a talk about A Good Man Is Hard to Find in 1963 at Hollins College, Virginia, which was published as the essay, The Element of Suspense In ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find. In this essay, OConnor defined the reasons forRead More Critical analysis on A good man is hard to find Essay2334 Words  | 10 Pagesbe analyzed from the critical theories of Aristotle and Longinus. Tolstoy will be used to examine the use Christian symbolism. Nietzsche will provide a more well-rounded universal conclusion to the uses of tragedy and spiritual elements in this classic story. Flannery O’Connor gave a talk about â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find†in 1963 at Hollins College, Virginia, which was published as the essay, â€Å"The Element of Suspense In ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find.’†In this essay, O’Connor defined the reasons forRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 Pagesï » ¿TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS The purpose of Text Interpretation and Analysis is a literary and linguistic commentary in which the reader explains what the text reveals under close examination. Any literary work is unique. It is created by the author in accordance with his vision and is permeated with his idea of the world. The reader’s interpretation is also highly individual and depends to a great extent on his knowledge and personal experience. That’s why one cannot lay down a fixed â€Å"modelâ€
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Is Personal Growth so Important Essay Free Essays
I believe personal growth is the improvement of a person’s being. Sometimes it may depend on what the persons goals and dreams are. Personal growth may come in many different forms such as improving self-knowledge, self-awareness, building your identity and developing strengths or talents. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Is Personal Growth so Important Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Even though those are some examples there are many more. Everyone’s personal growth is different which depends on the person wants to be or what he or she wants to have. From where I stand it started my eighth-grade year of school. I was going to a school that was very unusual for me as a person. It was a public school which didn’t push me to my fullest potential. It was a very difficult transition from transferring from a catholic education to a public education. In this school I felt like I wasn’t challenged. What I mean by that is that I wasn’t pushed to be what my standards, hopes and dreams were planned out to be. I didn’t do all of my work and didn’t do all that I was supposed to achieve academically. For my family this was a difficult time, my great grandma died, we had just moved houses, we were in a different kind of neighborhood. It was just a lot going on, not just for me but for the people surrounded my me. A little closer to the end of the school year things changed for me. I promised myself to study a little harder, do my work in class and at home, and to prove the people around me wrong. I realized that the energy that I received was the energy that I was giving back. The dreams, goals and standards I had for myself begin to work in my favor. I began learning things on my own and looking things up that I supposed to be learning in class. Unfortunately, the distractions played more of a role during class time that we didn’t even get to learn much. As I began to develop self-awareness for my desire to have education to achieve what I desired to accomplish I realized that this was a wake-up call for what was coming ahead. I wanted to go to one of the best high schools in Cincinnati and I was given the opportunity to. At first, I was very undecided on what I wanted to but with the guidance I had from my peers and family I made the best decision of my life. After I graduated eighth-grade It felt like a bondage of stress had been lifted off of me. I was so proud of myself and my accomplishments. I appreciate that there are so many characteristics of so many different people. I believe this was the best way to put me out of my comfort soon and motivated me and force me to not stand for what I was not pushed to do. I believe because of this I am able to achieve great success in my future endeavors. I still have more goals and dreams to accomplish and I will, and I can do it. Nothing can stop me now because personal growth is a part of my everyday life. How to cite Why Is Personal Growth so Important Essay, Essays
Monday, April 27, 2020
My Niggas. Some Niggas That You Dont Wanna Try. Essays -
"My niggas. Some niggas that you don't wanna try. My niggas. Some niggas that's really do or die. My niggas. Ain't no longer living a lie. My niggas is stong. My niggas is real." Does this artist use the word nigger in the same way that racists have and still are? The answer to this question is a simple one- no. Today's urban society have changed, not only the definition, but also the spelling of this word, which was once used to belittle those of African-American decent. Now, the definition as proved through today's urban youth holds many denotations- positive and negative. But has the definition really changed? Or are today's urban society just being ignorant and socially blinded by the hardships of our ancestors as they continue to use a word that held such great racial tension when used in the 1800's? Two answers for this one- yes and no. Yes the definition has changed, but not totally to where it's precedent has been forgotten. In fact, urban youth are so socially powerful that they can take a word and totally flip it and use it within themselves but when one of another race uses it, they return it back to the old definition and the racial remarks commen ce. The definitions of the word nigger are as follows: 1. a Negro 2. loosely or incorrectly applied to members of dark-skinned race 3. a vulgar offensive term of hostility and contempt as used by Negrophobes Nigger (etymology) 1. Latin niger becomes Spanish and Portugese Negro used in France for "black man" especially in Africa adapted by the English 2. latin niger, for black, occurs in such river names as the Rio Negro in South America and the Niger f Central West Africa. When used by a white person to describe a black or African American person, this can be the most hateful hurtful, offensive term in the language today. This word in American speech dates back to the late 16th century, although the modern spelling doesn't appear until two centuries later. The obsolete spelling niger dates to 1574. It derives from the Latin niger meaning black. It shares this common root with negro. The first recorded use of the word nigger was in 1786 in a poem by Robert Burns yet variations on it including negar, neger, and niger are recorded two centuries before then. The offensiveness of the term has increased over time, especially in the 20th century. Two 16th century quotes that are commonly cited in dictionaries are from scholarly tracts. A 1700 quote by judge Samuel Sewall uses the term in a denunciation of slavery. Gradually, however, polite discourse increasingly used the term negro (which dates to at least 1555) and nigger became relegated to the vulgar tongue, increasing in offensiveness over the centuries. So for instance, when Mark Twain uses the word in Huckleberry Finn , by the standards of his day he is not being especially offensive (although even then it was a term that would not be used in polite society), but is using the term as a marker of class and socio-economic status of the characters who utter it. In the 20th century of course, it has become extremely offensive. It, along with cunt are just about the only taboo words in American discourse today (it's interesting that the most offensive terms have strong racial or gender discrimination components). About the only acceptable use is in Black English when African-Americans use it to refer to themselves. In the O. J. Simpson trial of 1995 when evidence of its use by a detective whitness, Mark Furhman was introduced, the word became reffered to as the N-word. Mark Furhman continued to lie and say he never used the word nigger in his life, evidence of a tape recording was brought against him as he stated "we have no niggers where we grew up" along with many other citations. After all of the hardships the background of "nigger" has proven to have had on African-American ancestry, why would urban youth even insert the word into their vocabulary? And, most of the time, use it towards another of color? "Because we can" . Simply stated by a female of urban youth, Nina Peterson. This is the question that boils in philosophers' minds throughout the nation. But
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